Depuis plus de 15 ans Niwanet accompagner ses clients dans leur démarche d’infogérance.



16, rue de la planchonnais, 44980 Sainte Luce sur Loire

09 70 75 46 28

Hébergement données sensibles - les entreprises santé

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pellentesque interdum euismod. Mauris quis faucibus nunc. Ut a enim accumsan, placerat magna a, maximus metus. Mauris quis viverra quam. Suspendisse sodales convallis placerat. Pellentesque rhoncus sit amet nisl quis vehicula. Nam nulla risus, finibus placerat dictum ac, dictum et sapien. Ut mollis eleifend nulla, quis imperdiet arcu fringilla ullamcorper.

Données des entreprises santé, une protection accrue

Mobile apps have already penetrated every sphere of our lives and every imaginable business niche. Naturally, the appeal of mobile apps for its market potential cannot fade away anytime soon, at least until another great technology can replace mobile apps. development company and its business clients. . So, what about the failure of other apps? What are the key factors responsible for the failure of millions of apps? Well, apart from the ill-conceived app idea and development and design flaws many apps simply fail because of their pre-launch and post-launch shortcomings.

Front-end development essentially focuses and works on the visual perceptions of a website. It’s about the look, load time, pattern and functionality of the components of a website. Front-End is a mix of programming and layout that powers the visuals and interactions on the web. The talented Front-end developers provide turnkey Front-End development services whether you are planning to change the Front-End from older technology to newer one, for example Angular.

La certification HDS, une caution de sûreté pour la protection des données médicales

But while DevOps as a development approach remained uncontested, the security aspects of the app development process largely remained under the shadow. There was a perception that along with the operations, app security should equally be a part of the development process. With the demand for integrating security with the product life cycle, the DevSecOps approach has emerged. This approach has already proven to play an instrumental role in reducing the security vulnerabilities of the apps. While integrating the security with the DevOps approach has always been of high demand, this requires a completely different range of processes and tools. DevOps is already known to boast of an agile development methodology.

While integrating the security with the DevOps approach has always been of high demand, this requires a completely different range of processes and tools. DevOps is already known to boast of an agile development methodology. Though the companies embracing DevSecOps development methodology are only a few in numbers, in the time to come many companies working with DevOps approach can actually embrace this new methodology for giving their projects.


Votre partenaire pour
héberger les données de santé

Spécialiste en architectures web, hébergement managé et migrations d’infrastructures hébergées, NIWANET vous assiste afin d’optimiser vos projets hébergés.


Notre équipe compte plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de l'infogérance.

Support 24/7

L'équipe Niwanet reste constamment à votre disposition pour vous accompagner.

Un conseil adapté, personnalisé selon vos besoins, accompagnement dans vos migrations, vos infrastructures..
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Sauvegarde, PRA
Afin d'assurer sécurité de vos données, Plan de reprise d'activité de vos systèmes de management de la sécurité
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Des équipes dédiées à votre écoute du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h et un accès au support mail 24 H sur 24.
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Monitoring, astreinte
Une supervision 24/7 de vos services, applications et serveurs afin de vous assurer sécurité et sérénité, remontée des alertes...
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